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L360 straight seam steel pipe | how the steel industry saves itself

2021-12-03 14:16:23

Economic downturn & quot; Steel & quot; At the beginning, the iron and steel industry, which has been plagued by overcapacity, is having a hard time. Recently, Shen Wenrong, chairman of Shagang, vomited bitterness, & quot; Selling a ton of steel makes less profit than a plate of fried meat;, It is enough to imagine how low the profits of the steel industry are at present

in fact, the current situation of the iron and steel industry is even more difficult than that in 2008. At that time, the profit per ton of steel was still 50 yuan. In the first half of this year, the profit per ton of steel was 6.8 yuan. By July, this figure had become 1.68 yuan. This is the data provided by Wang Xiaoqi, vice president of China Steel Association

under such a bad background, L360 straight seam steel pipe manufacturers can find a way out of the cold winter for China's steel industry only by clarifying the causes of the current difficulties of the steel industry

it should be said that at present, China's iron and steel industry has two most remarkable characteristics: one is overcapacity in quantity, and the other is low quality. In terms of high inventory, this is closely related to the rapid economic growth in the past ten years, especially the hot real estate market and the large-scale launch of steel production capacity in various places. Single & quot; The Eleventh Five Year Plan; During this period, the steel output increased by 275 million tons over the previous five years, an increase of 80%, accounting for 44% of the public steel output by 2010. Especially after the restart of investment and growth in 2008, a wave of steel project fever has been set off all over the country. According to the definition of the national development and Reform Commission, the overcapacity of crude steel exceeds 160 million tons

with such a large-scale overcapacity and the increasing loss in the first half of this year, China's crude steel output rose instead of falling. There are 58 blast furnaces to be built by the end of this year, and an additional capacity of 84.4 million tons will be added. Plus & quot; Kiss & quot; With the continuous growth, there are various signs that the steel industry is falling into the paradox of capacity: it has excess but is still expanding

overcapacity is only a superficial phenomenon. The deep-seated reasons are unreasonable industrial structure, backward development mode and excessive and disorderly expansion. Therefore, at a time when the general economic trend is irreversible and the short-term economy is difficult to see the bottom, the iron and steel industry can only reverse the industrial structure of iron and steel, increase the proportion of high profit products such as special steel and stainless steel, and reduce the production capacity of crude steel and ordinary steel; Self rescue & quot; A new way. The way out in the future must be to reduce production capacity and leverage, accelerate industrial upgrading, upgrade the surplus and homogeneous low-end steel products to excellent ones, guide the orderly and healthy development of the industrial chain and improve the industrial concentration


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